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Hello! I hope you've been having a great start to your year, full of fulfilled promises and concrete progress towards your goals! But I'm here today to tell you that if your year did not get off to the best start, I am right there with you. Let's start over in February together, okay?

I had the best of intentions when I came home from our New Year's trip, but we also tracked back a killer cold or flu bug. It hit the baby first, but she recovered within a few days. I was sick for two full weeks and am still having some trailing symptoms. So the entire month of January has been a wash for me. I hope you can relate to the feeling of thinking through a straw to try to get the bare minimum done, because that's where I've been lately.

Top Video

My top video of January 2020 was actually published in December, but is still relevant. I posted my 2020 Planner Setup, which has been getting a lot of engagement. The systems and inserts I use are very similar to last year, but I made a few small changes that really refreshed the whole thing for me. If you haven't seen it yet and you're still looking for inspiration for your 2020 planner, then check it out!

Top Instagram Post

Instagram hid their likes, so you'll just have to believe me when I tell you that this three-second clip of me flipping my bra tracker back and forth has gotten 12 times more likes than the next most popular post this month. I guess people like post-it notes!

I keep track of which bra I'm wearing every day so that I know when to wash them, and when I rolled over to a new tracker for a new year, I needed a place to hold the latest values for each one, so I could continue where I left off. I just jotted them down on a sticky note on the back of the tracker for easy reference, and that's what this video is showing!


Speaking of Instagram, if you're not following me over there yet, come join the party! It's really heating up! I'm almost at 500 followers, which isn't much in the scheme of things, but is a big deal to me. Thank you to each and every one of you!

Behind the Scenes

And if you're not subscribed to me on YouTube yet, you'll want to be so you don't miss this Saturday's video! On February 1, I'm posting a collab that's been months in the making. I'm so excited to finally get to share this video with you!
Sneak Peak
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