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Long time no see

The last "monthly" newsletter I sent was back in January, so if you've been wondering if I'm okay, I am. Thanks. If you've signed up for the list since then, then welcome to your first one!

I took a bit of a break from the website for a few months there. I burned myself out creating five or more new insert designs every month through 2021. And then I got distracted by having a baby, as you do.

I want to sincerely thank those of you who continued to patronize my shop while I was semi-away. Without your support, I probably would have been tempted to give up. But here I am! I'm easing myself back into the design business with a goal of one new insert per month, which I hope you will look forward to and enjoy!
Baby Dominic

Meet the Baby!

I'd like to introduce you to the reason I've been busy lately! Dominic is two months old now and such a joyful addition to our family. We're all enjoying my time at home with the baby and his big sisters this summer.

There's a New Design!

At long last, there's a fresh new insert design available in the shop. It's something a little silly and fun this time: a custom BINGO card!

I'm using mine to keep track of our summer vacation bucket list, as well as some self-care ideas for myself.

The uses are practically infinite. What will go on your BINGO card?

Discount for You!

Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter and sticking around!

Your monthly exclusive discount code is BRANDNEW15.
Use this code for 15% off your printables purchase.
Things in my Planner That Just Make Sense

I'm in a New Size

I was sent a Personal Size ring binder for review, and have been having a lot of fun planning in a new size for a change.

If you haven't tried it in a while and are feeling the itch, a brand new setup in a new size could be just the thing to freshen up your planning routine!

I've been feeling more productive since I made the switch.

Stick Around!

As I mentioned at the top, my new goal for the rest of 2022 is to release one new insert per month. (I'm always open to requests and suggestions if there's something you'd like to see)

And don't forget to check out my YouTube and Instagram feeds, which I have kept up with regularly throughout the newsletter's hiatus. In the next couple of months I'll be sharing thoughts about my first real "summer vacation" since our daughter started school, showing how I use my planner to prepare for Comic Con, and getting myself prepared for the return to work soon! Subscribe so you don't miss any of it!

God bless, until next time,
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