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Fun in the Sun

Happy July! We're in the full swing of summer here in my last month of maternity leave, and it's been a lot of crazy fun. With the baby's schedule starting to stabilize just the tiniest bit, I've been playing stay-at-home-mom and enjoying it a lot.

Between visits to the park, vacation bible school, and variable nap schedules, I've barely had time to keep up with the constant flow of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes to process (I got a canner?!)

But I did get a great new insert design out for you all, which I'm really excited about.
Colorful Tomatoes

I can't stop talking about my garden

We're drowning in pickles over here and I can't get enough! I've also recently fulfilled the dream of fresh rainbow bruschetta!

The perfect daily for crazy schedule days

I'm so excited about this new insert! Use four hourly columns to track the schedules of multiple family members at once! It's the perfect way to visualize your craziest days.

Comes in traditional and blank versions!

Discount for You!

Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter and sticking around!

Your monthly exclusive discount code is PICKLES10.
Use this code for 10% off your printables purchase.

How I'm planning these days

If you haven't kept up to date with my YouTube channel, you might not have seen that I recently upgraded sizes into a Personal Size ring planner.

Check out my latest flipthrough video for fresh planner system inspo for your summer!

Back to "Normal"

As of August 1, I'll be a working mom again as my maternity leave wraps up.

The good news for you - a more stable schedule usually means more and better content for all of you. Stay tuned for new videos and fresh insert designs, which--of course--you'll hear all about in next month's newsletter.

Until then, have a productive day!
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