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It's finally Spring!

...or as it's known here in Southern California, Summer.

The weather has finally warmed up, and all of a sudden, it's been in the 80's for the last week.

Since Covid-19 has turned every weekend into a project weekend, I've finally made the time to plant a vegetable garden in our back yard. We set up a slide and a water table for our toddler. The world seems to be opening up for me a little bit now that the outdoors are calling, even if we can only really be free in our own lawn.

I hope that warmer weather is on its way for your family, wherever you live, and that it's keeping your spirits up during the grey gloom of quarantine. We have to take delight in the little things.

Here's what I've been doing with myself lately...

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I can't express how excited I am to finally have released this video. This has been on my ideas list for years, and I finally have it ready for you.

I developed a very simple but immensely useful little to-do list hack that keeps me focused when decision fatigue is holding me back. I call it "The Origami Method".

Check out the video if you haven't already, and let me know if you try it for yourself!

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The colors are a bit brighter and more aggressive than I usually prefer, but I really like the layout of my April monthly.

I made the very subtle change of moving the grid calendar from the right to the left, so I could see the date-specific tasks at the same time.

These inserts from Peanuts Planner Co also don't look as empty as they are (during quarantine) DR-096 and DR-133.


I mentioned I'm growing a vegetable garden. I didn't mention that we're trying to potty train our toddler. There are a few other little things coming up that that I'm excited to share in videos and blog posts (including the gender of #2! Stay tuned til the next Bumpdate!)

Stick around and stay subscribed! Have a safe and happy May.
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