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This month's newsletter is coming early
Somehow, time has a way of continuing at a ridiculous pace, and the end of the year is approaching. Which means if you haven't started thinking about your planner setup for the new year, now might be a good time to do so.

You've got to plan to plan if you're going to plan anything else, right?
I sure hope so, or else I've been doing things entirely wrong for years.

💸 Black Friday! 💸

I'll put this right at the top, since I know this is the reason you opened the email.

If you want to know about my crazy life, you'll have to keep scrolling, but suffice to say that, since life is crazy, I'm keeping Black Friday simple.

From Thursday, November 24 (Thanksgiving)
through Monday, November 28 (Cyber Monday)

for 50% off all printable insert downloads.

(Note: Print and Ship orders are currently closed. Stay subscribed to my newsletter so you don't miss when they're reopened, sometime early 2023.)

Everything is Temporary

If you've seen any of my videos for the last few weeks, then you know that my life is doing backflips right now. We recently relocated for my husband's new job, which is letting me stay home with the kids.

My most recent planner flipthrough was filmed in the temporary desk setup I have here at our temporary apartment. Pardon the audio quality for now please 🙃

New Freebie!

I make inserts that I want to use, and if I'm going to go through the effort to make something, I might as well offer it to you too, right?

There's a new freebie in the shop! Insert 074 is a chart of all the major Roman Catholic feasts and holy days of obligation, so that you, like me, can stop googling what date Easter falls on (for the next six years at least)

Check it out if it interests you. I hope you find it useful!
Why I include a watermark on my printable planner inserts

Ever wonder about my design process?

I recently posted an Instagram Reel giving my reasoning behind one small design element in my shop's inserts: the watermark on the margin.

If you've ever wondered about that, well, now you have your answer!

The new year is coming

Every year I think I'm going to get my new year's planner setup done before the end of December. But I think more often than not, it doesn't happen.

This year, with all my good paper, covers, my laminator, my washi tape, and most of my pens in storage until January...
Well, I'm definitely not going to reach that goal this year.

Whether you're joining me in winging it, or you're so organized that you've got 2024 planned out by now, I hope you'll stick around through the craziness.

Happy Holidays!
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