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I'm afraid to say that life is settling down
I might jinx it, but move 2 of 3 went as smoothly as it could have, and even though we're not where we want to end up long term, I'm enjoying a sense of relative stability.

I've even had time to start giving more attention to my printables shop again. More on that later in the newsletter.

I hope that your new year hit the ground running for you, and that cold and flu season has been kind to your family!
Pk011 Monthly Resolutions

"Failed" Your 2023 Resolutions Already?

First of all, no you haven't. New Year's Resolutions are arbitrary anyway, and you absolutely still have time to set and accomplish great things.

But maybe you should try setting monthly resolutions instead! I conveniently have a printable just for that! Sound interesting?

Discount for You!

Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter and sticking around!

Your monthly exclusive discount code is PROGRESS10.
Use this code for 10% off your purchase.

How I Plan My Content

I recently went behind the scenes to share my process to digitally plan my YouTube and Instagram content with Asana.

This has been my method for the last four months, and it's been working really well for me!

I hope it gives you some inspiration if you're looking to give digital project planning a try,
Phone Productivity Hack

You Should Be Using Widgets

Once I've done the digital planning process detailed in the Asana video above, I use the app's widget to keep me on track.

I showed off my phone home screens to give you an idea of how I use widgets to keep my tasks, calendars, and reminders front and center all day.

Coming Very Soon, Printed Inserts Again!

Printed and shipped insert orders have been on hold since we moved in November. Thank you for your patience.

I'm now set up with my supplies again and ready to start processing your physical orders again with a brand new, simplified pricing system and ordering method.

I am slowly making my way through the catalogue of 74 insert designs, updating them manually, so if you're looking to order a specific design printed, feel free to reach out so I can move your favorites to the top of the queue!

See you soon!
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