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Feeling the Heat

Hello friends!

You may have noticed that I haven't posted to my blog in a while. Don't worry, I noticed too. I had a few ideas scheduled to write up, but by the time their publishing dates came up, I simply did not have the mental capacity to get those ideas down in words. I'm reaching a point of my pregnancy where I have to be very aware and careful of both my physical and mental capacity.

On the one hand, I am definitely nesting. There are a lot of little organizational projects around the house and in the garden that I've been focusing on obsessively. On the other hand, things like my blog keep getting pushed to one side.

I'm not thrilled about the balls that get dropped, but I'm doing my best to focus on doing the things that I have the motivation to get done. This is my way of maintaining my sanity and my energy as I make my way slowly through the last couple of months of this pregnancy!

More on that later.

Top Video This Month

If you haven't seen it yet, check out my flipthrough video for the month, where I go over my entire planning system and how I've been using it to try to stay on track.

You may notice that I've started getting pretty out of breath by the end of my videos lately! Pregnancy can do that to you!

Top Instagram Post

Surprisingly, this casual snapshot got the most likes of any of my Instagram posts this month.

Around the beginning of the month, my husband found out that a coworker had tested positive for Covid-19, so to be safe, he self-isolated in our home office for a few days until his 14-day period was up.

In the meantime, I set up my computer on a card table in the living room and kicked butt taking care of our two-year-old and working full time from home at the same time.

I honestly am really proud of what I got done, but I was running completely on fumes by the end of it!

Coming Soon

I wrote an article a while back about how to deal with "planner funk" - when your brain and your planner are operating on different levels.

I had it set aside for a long time, hoping to get it published externally, but it's finally time to share it here on the blog. I'm excited to share it with you both because I'm proud of the ideas I wrote about, but also because this was written pre-pregnancy-brain, so it's more likely to be high-quality content ;)

Keep an eye out for that article to be published on my blog in the next couple of weeks!
The next several months of my life are going to look a lot different than usual as I transition from the nesting frenzy to pregnancy-disability and into the post-partum fog while I learn to be a mom of two.

I'm doing my best to remember to slow down and focus on the present moment, to set aside the piles of potential to-do's, and instead pare down my scope to the most important things.

Thank you in advance for your patience as I cocoon for a while. I'm not going anywhere, but I might not be all there for a couple of months. I promise to emerge better than ever at the end of it.

I will be posting a video very soon about what "Maternity Leave" will look like for my channel and content. I hope you find it interesting and edifying. I appreciate you all so much. See you soon.
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